Unascended being
A being that has not yet qualified for the ascension, and thus cannot abide in the spiritual realm. This does not only refer to human beings in embodiment. There are unascended beings in all four realms of the material world. For example, many souls who have ties to the astral plane can descend there between embodiments or can become permanently stuck there, not being able to reembody. We human beings can make calls for the cutting free of all unascended beings, so they can move on to the next station on their path.
Unconditionality, unconditional love
The duality consciousness operates by creating two opposites. Note that the original divine polarity of expanding and contracting are not opposite but complementary forces. Yet when these concepts are colored by the duality consciousness, they will seem like opposites. This is then coupled with a value judgment, labeling one opposite as good and the other as evil. This is what gives rise to all judgmentalness and discrimination found on earth.
When you attain Christ consciousness, you see that all this is an illusion, because the underlying reality is that all life is one and came from the same source. Thus, you see that God’s reality is beyond any of the conditions and value judgments defined by the duality consciousness. It is difficult to describe the non-dual reality with words, but the most commonly used word is to say that God’s qualities are unconditional, meaning beyond dualistic conditions.
For example, human love is always conditional. People have to do something right and avoid doing something wrong in order to be worthy to receive love. In God’s eyes, you are worthy to receive God’s love by the mere fact that you were created as an extension of the Creator’s Being. Thus, you do not have to do anything to receive God’s love, and nothing you do can make you unworthy of it. God’s love is unconditional; beyond conditions.