This is an excerpt of a longer dictation. To read the full dictation, CLICK HERE.
Saint Germain, April 7, 2007.
Most gracious ladies and gentlemen—and anyone else who might be present [Laughter]. For truly, there are many angels present here who are above the duality of sex on Earth. For they have attained oneness with the LOGOS, the reality of the Christ mind, that is set up to establish and maintain oneness between all aspects, all expressions of the one God in the world of form.
So, my beloved, I, Saint Germain, congratulate you for the work you have accomplished so far, culminating in this latest rosary that you have given. You see, my beloved, the film you have seen about the power of vibration* should give you some visual sense of what can be attained when you give your rosaries and decrees.
For you see an inert, passive substance that is stirred into various patterns by the application of sound. And I can assure you that as you give a rosary, you are sending the vibration of sound into the mass consciousness and the four levels of the material universe. And my beloved, I can assure you that the effect of your rosaries is far more dramatic than what you saw on this movie. And I might add, it is far more beautiful as well. For when you come into unison, when you speak with one voice, you create a very powerful unified and harmonious pattern.
And you see, my beloved, one of the greatest problems on Earth is the multitude of sound waves that are crisscrossing the ethers—that are chaotic, uncoordinated. And this is precisely the uncoordinated sound that breaks down the organized, beautiful structures that are sustainable.
And so part of the task of giving rosaries and invoking the Light is to counteract the chaos. And how can you counteract the chaos unless what you send out is more than chaos, is more harmonious, unified, and therefore sends out a unifying vibration. For I tell you, my beloved, what science can also teach you is that you can have a substance, such as a gas, where all the molecules are oriented in all different directions in a chaotic pattern. And yet when certain types of energy are applied, there comes a point where – suddenly – a phase transition occurs and now the molecules line up and there is oneness.
Unity in Spirit does not override individuality
And you see, my beloved, this is what needs to happen for this nation of America to be one nation under God. There must be a certain unison in the consciousness of the people. For as they say, “United we stand; divided we fall.” And so, indeed, America has fallen far below the immaculate concept that I hold for this nation. And what will bring her back, except there is some unifying force, even beyond what people are aware of at the conscious level?
And that force is not just the sound that is expressed. For it to have the full effect, the sound, the Word that you speak, must be infused with the Spirit so that it becomes the Living Word, rather than a rote repetition that really is not infused with the Spirit and therefore doesn’t have the power and the momentum to cut through the chaos of the mass consciousness.
You see, my beloved, that is why we have talked about the importance of the WORD, the Living Word. For when you come together as a group, the effect of your rosaries and your being together is in direct proportion to the degree of unity and oneness you can attain. And how can you attain oneness? You can do so only when a critical mass of people in the group reach for the Living Word within themselves.
For you see, my beloved, as everything else in this world, the concept of unity and oneness can indeed be perverted by the duality consciousness—as you have seen in many civilizations, where the power elite attempts to create uniformity by turning the people into virtual robots who blindly follow the blind leaders. And while this might give what from a surface standpoint seems like unity, it is not the true unity of the Spirit.
For you see, my beloved, God does not want you to blindly follow God, or a spiritual leader, or an outer religion. God created you – each one of you – as a unique individual. And God has no desire to have you extinguish your individuality in order to attain some state of uniformity in a spiritual group or community. What God truly desires is for you to express your individuality, even while you are coming together.
And yet, my beloved, the individuality that needs to be expressed is obviously not the false individuality of the ego—who is always seeing itself separated from other people and most of the time seeing itself in competition with those other people. And so, it cannot attain any kind of oneness because it wants to set up various measures, whereby it can maintain the illusion that it is better than others because it is doing this or that outer thing—as you saw with the scribes and Pharisees—and, if you will be honest, have seen with many other religious and spiritual groups. Where there is always the formation of some kind of clique or elite, who thinks that because they are doing all the outer things a certain way, they are above the rest of the congregation.
A clearing of the national psyche
And so, my beloved, when you let go of that ego, you can come into a oneness where you have a oneness within you, with the Living Word. And so even though you sit here in a group – and you all say the same words in the rosary, you all say them with the same speed and in the same rhythm – the words you say are not just mechanical words, for each one of you is endowing your words with your heart flame, with your God Flame. So even though the words might sound the same, I can assure you that the vibrational pattern that is sent out is endowed with the unique qualities of each person’s God Flame.
And my beloved, even though there are different God flames, they are all in harmony. And therefore, the vibration that is sent out is a harmonious vibration. And because it is endowed with the different God flames, it has the potential to accelerate and transform any lower vibration. For, after all, those lower vibrations are perversions of the God flames.
And so you see, my beloved, when you have a group where a critical mass of God flames are represented and where a critical mass of people have the oneness that allows them to endow their rosaries with the Living Word, then you have a most powerful action, a most beautiful action. And if the technology can be brought forth, it would be my great joy to be able to show you a visual image of what actually happens as you give these rosaries. But alas, that technology is a little ways off, for it requires first a transformation in consciousness before it can be released.
So again, we face the ancient problem, the ancient challenge, expressed in the words of the Bible, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Meaning that you need to be willing to give your rosaries and know – and believe and accept – that they DO have an effect even if you do not see it visually.
And thus, I come to encourage you and indeed congratulate you because by our multiplication of the rosaries you have given, by your proximity to Washington D.C., we have been able to accomplish a very significant clearing of the national psyche that is focused in Washington D.C. This is a great work. And obviously, you should not expect that tomorrow the President is going to come out and announce a complete reversal of his policy on this or that or the next thing. For, as always, there is free will.
But what I can say is that you have started a process that if accelerated and maintained can become a catalyst that will bring out the kind of change in the national psyche that I talked about yesterday, when I said there needs to be an awakening of Americans to the fact that America is not above reproach, is not above the need for change. Yet that awakening needs to happen in such a way that it does not shatter the national psyche and the national self esteem.
For indeed, there needs to be a gentle awakening that creates a certain continuity, so that we can transcend into a more golden age form of government without having a violent revolution or a break-down of the economy or the national governmental process.
For as I said yesterday, we have no desire to see our efforts to break up the old patterns be misused by the counter power elite who is always seeking to destroy and break down in order to take the power they could not attain in any other way. And again, as I said yesterday, for such a balanced transition to occur, someone must hold the spiritual balance for it by maintaining their striving to stay on the middle way. Which is why I told you to stay away from the extremes, even though you should inform yourself—but never allow yourself to fall into that lower vibration.
And when you really – honestly – look at yourself and center in your heart, you can feel instantly when the vibration sinks below the level of the heart and starts stirring up the solar plexus, agitating that chakra and possibly even the lower chakras. You can get to the point where you are so sensitive, that the moment you open up a website, or a book or a newspaper, you will know when something has a vibration below the heart. And thus, in many cases, you can immediately dismiss it without taking it into your mind. In other cases you might still need to read it, to get certain information, but you need to be aware of staying above the solar plexus vibration, being centered in the peace of the heart.
Copyright © 2010 by Kim Michaels