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Ascended Master Resources
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Events with Kim Michaels
About ascended masters
Who are the ascended masters?
What is an ascended master?
What the ascended masters can do for us
What we can do for the ascended masters
What is unique about Ascended Masters?
The hierarchy of ascended masters
How are the dictations on this website brought forth?
The spiritual rays
You can experience that the masters are real!
List of all ascended masters
Well-known ascended masters
World view
The essence of the ascended master world view
36 ideas for transcending your world view
An energetic world view – energy hygiene
The flow of consciousness
Four Levels of the Mind
Creation of the universe
Where did God come from?
How did the Creator create the universe?
God’s law is not punishment
The law of balance
The Fall of human beings
Reconnecting to your spiritual teacher
Christ and anti-christ — to BE or not to be
The fruit of the knowledge of good and evil
Why is there evil in the world?
Your Divine plan to rise above evil
Your energy field
Why be concerned about your personal energy field?
The chakras and their characteristics
Who you are
Why is it important to know your self?
What is the core of your (lower) being?
Your spiritual self
Your causal body
The flow of energy between your spiritual self and lower being
Your Christ self
Your threefold flame – and your sevenfold flame
A deeper understanding of the soul
The container of self and your four lower bodies
The human ego
Mastering the Subconscious mind
Knowing the components of self can transform your life experience
Spiritual path
Getting started on the spiritual path
The 144 Levels of consciousness
Changing the world
Ascended Master Resources Network
Ascended Master Light
Ascended Master Answers
Transcendence Toolbox
The Mystical Teachings of Jesus
Explaining Evil
Age of Higher Awareness
Higher Awareness Psychology
My personal website
Your energy field – main page
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