Glossary – H

Hatred of the Mother

The Ma-ter light forms the feminine polarity to the Creator. It allows us to project any mental image upon it we want, and then it faithfully reflects back to us physical circumstances that reflect the images in our consciousness.  When people enter the fallen consciousness, they cannot take responsibility for themselves, meaning they will not recognize that the Mother can only reflect back what we project upon it and is not seeking to punish us. Instead, such beings feel like victims, and they do feel like matter, the Mother element, is seeking to punish them or prevent them from doing what they want. Thus, they can develop hatred of the mother. Yet since we are all part of the mother aspect of God, hatred of the Mother is a form of self-hatred.

Holy Spirit

The force that drives all self-aware beings to return to their source. Since the beginning of the world of form, innumerable beings have gone through the process of the ascension and this has created a force or momentum that makes up the Holy Spirit.

Human ego

An element in the psyche that is created when the Conscious You descends into the illusion of separation and duality. The Conscious You is pure awareness, so it simply cannot act as a separate being. Yet it can step into a separate sense of self, and when it perceives the world through the perception filter of that self, it can believe that it really is a separate being. What makes this distorted perception seem real is the ego.

Human consciousness

In a general way, this refers to the consciousness that is currently considered normal for human beings. It can also be used more specifically to refer to the ego and the carnal mind.

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