This is an excerpt of a longer dictation. To read the full dictation, CLICK HERE.
Saint Germain (5), July 15, 2007
Most gracious ladies and gentlemen, I Saint Germain come today on a lighter note than the previous days. For truly, you have broken through to a higher level of consciousness and you have been instrumental in breaking through the density found here in this area of Los Angeles, and in California as well, thereby giving the people in this area an opportunity to rise higher, to think more clearly than they have been able to think for a very long time.
For my beloved, I must tell you that even though we have had groups of Ascended Master students in this area before, who have been decreeing for very long hours, there is no power greater – currently available – than the Freedom rosaries of Mother Mary. There is a power in these rosaries that is unsurpassed by any other spiritual technique—for the very reason that they embody the Alpha and the Omega of God. Where you have both the affirmations and the rhythmic sections that are repeated, thereby invoking the light and directing it through the affirmations to the specific conditions.
The Word will judge the elite
Yet, even beyond that is an even more important facet of the rosaries. For my beloved, is it not stated in this latest rosary for the restoration of the Word that the Word itself will judge the power elite and those who are not willing to change their consciousness? So you see, my beloved, there is immense value in someone in the physical octave being willing to speak the Word physically as you do in these rosaries. When you speak that Word, the Word will reverberate through the mass consciousness, and it will be a judgment in the sense that people are given an opportunity – even if they are not consciously aware of this – to accept or reject the Word spoken.
And thus, you will see that there are rings upon rings, spreading through the waters of the collective consciousness. And as people are hit with a wave of the Word spoken, some will wake up and realize that a new day has dawned. Whereas others will become even more anchored in the rigidity of their consciousness by rejecting the new wave, the new ideas, the new energies of Aquarius.
So, my beloved, in one sense you have been instrumental in a breakthrough—a breakthrough that we hoped would occur at this conference. And therefore, we might say that you deserve to have a more playful day on this last day. But yet I must also tell you that I have a message that I desire to bring forth, that I desire to have spoken in the physical here in this area. And thus, given the limitations of time and space, I ask you to please step up and see this as another work day, where there is work to be done.
For my beloved, we are still not in a position of having the Golden Age physically manifest, and thus it is necessary that there are those who will simply grit their teeth and keep on pressing on until the breakthrough is there. This is not to say that you cannot have enjoyment, but when you are all together at a conference like this – even having people tuning in from far away areas – there is a unique opportunity for us to bring forth the Word from above and for you to bring forth the Word from below.
So I plan to give two more dictations today, which must be preceded by two more rosaries. So you can see that you will have a busy schedule for this afternoon. And then after that you can have whatever enjoyment you have time for in the evening.
Copyright © 2010 by Kim Michaels